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Our programmes are designed for business owners and key decision makers in small businesses that achieved initial growth, yet have hit barriers to further development, but have the desire and commitment to grow their business.


This is a hands-on, practical and participant centred program
designed to help SMEs detect execution gaps and explore
the optimization potential hidden in their businesses. It reflects the current challenges and emerging opportunities in SME markets created by disruptive innovation, socioeconomic trends and market volatility.


The Training and Skills for Kenyan Micro-Entrepreneurs (Task-me) project is an initiative by a Belgium NGO ACTEC (Association for Cultural, Technical and Educational Cooperation) and ISBI @ Strathmore Business School aimed at unlocking the potential of small businesses in Kenya through training, coaching and mentoring.


ISBI @ Strathmore University Business School in partnership with Cedo Kadenyi Limited and Limpid Marketing Limited designed the Kreativeprenuership program to support the creative industry with entrepreneurial skills


The Capital Raising Seminar provides insights on how African entrepreneurs can prepare their businesses & make them attractive to investors. The seminar is run by academic & industry experts in the Investment Sector.

Other topics discussed include: Succession Planning, Valuation, Legal Aspects, Negotiation, Governance & Professionalization, Taxation & Business Structuring, Raise Capital, Encash or Diversify.

BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT and investor readiness PROGRAMs

ISBI Institute and Ongoza have partnered to offer the ‘Business Development and investor readiness Programs.

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